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Want to change up that tired, old recipe for roast chicken? Here's a cook book that can teach you how. Unlike traditional cook books that teach you how to cook one dish, this book teaches you how to experiment with flavors and transform that old classic, the roast chicken dinner, in to a culinary world tour!


The Coop du Monde is a simple way to prepare one dish, original roast chicken dinners. Each element of the traditional Sunday roast is cooked together in the same dish, making it easy to enjoy and quick to make.


Unlike traditional cookbooks that teach you how to cook a dish, this book teaches you how to be creative in the kitchen. It explains how to experiment with flavours, where to start and how to develop your skills so that you can create your own Coop du Monde.


It breaks down the parts of the dish and helps you understand flavors. Be warned there are no measurements. This isn't a mistake, it's by design. Instead of the recipe dictating to you, this method helps you learn to use your senses and be creative, combining flavors in a way that pleases you. 


What Does the Ebook Contain?


29 pages that teach you how to choose a chicken, how to make your own stuffing and how to cook your chicken. 


A 15 minute instructional video that demonstrates the equipment and the techniques you'll need to create your own Coup du Monde. 


6 surprising combinations for unique roast chicken dinners! 


1. New World Chicken  

  • Pumpkin Oil & Chipotle Chicken with Curried Lemon, Apple & Shallot Stuffing

2. Pilgrim's Fowl 

  • Lemon, Rosemary & Pumpkin Chicken with Brown Bread, Pork & Apple Stuffing

3. Nippon Coup 

  • Sake & Wasabi Chicken with Cranberry, Venison & Potato Bread Stuffing

4. Almasy Chicken

  • Paprika & Honey Chicken with Pork, Sage and Nutmeg Chipolatas Stuffing

5. Before Sunrise Chicken

  • Sour Orange Peel & Coffee Chicken with Chile Pepper & Blue Cheese Stuffing

6. Mi Amore Coop 

  • Sundried Tomato & Red Wine Chicken with Garam Masala & Stove-Top Stuffing


Download the ebook now and start creating in the kitchen! 


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Coup de Monde | Creative Roast Chicken 🐔 Dinners

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