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4 menus to make entertaining for Burns Night easy!


Changing tradition isn't easy! But honoring it isn't so hard. Here's a few ways to open the door to friends and family to the world's most feared dish. 


Each menu reaches into a traditional dish and makes it sing in a modern way. Choose a whole menu or make your own from the suggestions in this book.  


What Does the ebook Contain?


4 new menus.


Easy to follow recipes for each menu!


Our Haggis History


Kim and I have enjoyed haggis where ever it's on the menu. Everytime we see it we are excited to try the chefs idea. We've been to Burns Suppers in Edinburgh, London and New York, but our cooking doesn't know those boundaries and even includes Chinese snacks. 


Download the ebook now and enter the #haggisphere!


Follow @nofussgourmet for more food and drink ideas.

I'll Wad A Boddle! Burns Brunch, Bowls and Suppers

  • Scroll down for more info on the contents. 


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